Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Pumpkin Spiced Lattes and Sugar Cookies:)


It's been a REALLY long time since I have written a blog post.  I would love to say that I will make a better effort to post more.  But I'm not going to say that..... since it might not happen.

However.... just because I have been EXTREMELY lazy about posting, certainly doesn't mean that I have been lazy about crafting!

I have many things on the go at the moment.  One of those things being ..... my WEDDING!! I am engaged and planning to DIY a lot of the stuff.  However I don't want to post certain things on the blog, since a certain groom-to-be might see them ;)

Also... I have already started MANY of my gifts for my 'Completely Crafted Christmas'  but can't post THOSE either.

On a completely different topic, Thanksgiving just passed and I had fun making these SUPER cute sugar cookie  leaves (thanks Pinterest!).
the sugar cookie dough is food colouring dyed


and smushed together

cut out.  this batch made 12 leaves and one pumpkin (the pumpkin was for test-tasting purposes!)


and decorated with a mixture of green, yellow, orange and red sugar

And I have been addicted lately to pumpkin spiced lattes.

Steven and I went to get a coffee at Starbucks the other day and I thought I would get a pumpkin spice latte (so that I could try to steal their recipe!).  WELL.... it's a good thing I've discovered how to make my own!  A tall pumpkin spice latte cost $3.95!  Yikes!

Here's how I made mine:

I started off by making a pumpkin spice sugar syrup by straining 3/4 cup of water through a fillable tea bag (you can buy these at bulk tea stores) filled with 1 tbsp of pumpkin spice.

By straining the water through the tea bag this avoids having any gritty spices in your drink!

**You might be able to use a coffee filter.  I haven't tried it... but I don't see why this wouldn't work.

Then I dissolved the flavoured water and 3/4 of a cup of white sugar in a pot on the oven.  Once it is dissolved... remove it from the heat.

Now you have pumpkin spice simple syrup!  (This made about a cup of syrup)

pumpkin spice sugar syrup
To make the Latte:

The coffee:  I used a Rainforest Espresso K-cup in the Keurig machine and brewed 4oz.
*you could use any type of espresso-  they even make instant expresso powder.
*I'm sure you could even try REALLY strong brewed coffee

The milk/cream:
I happen to have a milk frother.  I bought on the sale rack of a kitchen store.  DON'T go out and buy one just for this.  You could just whisk the heated milk!

I put 3/4 cup of milk and 1/4 cup of 5% cream in the frother and heated it for about 2 min in the microwave and then frothed it.
heated milk and cream ready to be frothed

The syrup:
I added 2-3 tbsp of the sugar syrup to the coffee.

I poured the milk into the coffee and stirred and then added whipped cream (a must!) and sprinkled a little more pumpkin spice on top.
mmmmm..... whipped cream

I think it tastes delicious!! You will have to play around with amounts of sugar and the types of coffee.  But here is a starting point!  Definitely worth trying to make your own.  Your piggy bank will thank you :)



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